Things obviously got very interesting very quickly this episode. You could hear a pin drop when he came in and dropped the bomb on the model three girls go home immediately. Remember, I said the first day we moved in that this moment would come. Not sure if they forgot or just did not see it coming, but were caught everyone by surprise.

One of the most interesting things for me to organize a new show as Bachelor Pad is to be able to keep competitors guessing. All these people really thought they had a handle on how this game go, but soon realized that signed up for something that has never been done before, and that meant that a project was not really how to play.

The disposal sent to Nikki, Gwen, and Ashley's house was exactly as everyone expected. The couples stayed together, and Jesse B and Dave and Natalie Peyton and matched. I know women who went home disappointed, but they have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves. They had the numbers and the strategy that could easily have changed the dynamic in the house, but again and again fell on their own swords and let it remain the strongest couples. From day one, in fact, couples given what is happening in this house, and despite constant intrigue and strategy, the "outsiders" have been played over and over again. Each rose ceremony, evacuees disappointed warn the other players to consider the couples the power and end the "good kids", but week after week we see people not being able to be strong enough to pull the trigger or apartment just outside playing and being deceived. Ashley even said herself on the way home she was at a disadvantage. What? This is a train was seen coming a mile along the tracks, do not be surprised when you finally get run over.

Let's talk about couples who are left. Tenley said, "Kissing is fun and Kiptyn Kiptyn fun." Need I say more? Wait there's more! They called themselves Kip-Ten. It already looks like an old marriage to me, and I mean that in a good way. I'm not sure what to think about and Elizabeth Kovacs. I'd love to hear from you. Are they hot or do you worry about a bunny is going to end up in the boiler? I would like to thank Jesse for delivering the best line of the week. "If a girl catches a bad case of Kovacs, so be it" With lines like that, what girl could not?

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Dave and Natalie look like a couple of convenience. I'm not sure this is something that is made to last and made to play the game. With that said, that moment where Dave was talking to Natalie about her father was as emotional as we had. You see these people on TV and thinks he knows something about them. When you look at times like this, you realize you do not know much.

I'm pretty sure Jesse B and Peyton are my favorite couple of all time dysfunction. I know they are just friends, but I could see and hear all day. I laugh. Once the couples said they would vote separately, I really thought that the group try to get rid of Kovacs and Elizabeth. But then again strategies and plans fell apart when it mattered. Tenley was good to see getting into it and try to play the game itself.

The boys seem to be dictating to women what will happen. If things are ever going to change, women will have to change course and take control of the vote and play. Jesse B Peyton and put up a good fight and almost pulled a miracle, but eventually they were sent home. I've seen two of them from the program, and you'll be glad to know that Jesse is putting his finger in the ear of Peyton. It's so romantic.
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