So the premise of "Take the Money and Run" is that a couple of people in a briefcase with $ 100,000. They have one hour to hide anywhere in their city. Here are some real investigators have 48 hours to find the money.

If found, the researchers maintain. If it remains hidden, the pair remains. The rules of the research is that researchers have access to cell phones of the couple, receipts acquired during the period of the underground and the GPS coordinates of your vehicle.

The couple released the Bustamante brothers Raul and Paul in San Francisco. They turned a lot of places, called a variety of people as decoys and finally buried the suitcase in Lafayette Park.

After hiding the money, the researchers treated as a real investigation, which really surprises me. They decide that Raul is the Alpha and Paul is the weakest link, which happens to be absolutely true. Paul is a liar, terrible, terrible and is getting very nervous. Dude, relax! This is not real.

Then the researchers call the mother of the boys and she gives the address of the brother of third parties. The straight-up researcher says, "Paul and Raul can not answer the phone, I'll call for them. They want to go visit his brother Rob for his birthday, but I do not know your address", and only she leaves him. You are a strong, mom. Well done.

Meanwhile, other researchers are playing Paul and a violin. He is a mama's boy and that weak-ass is falling apart in the TV fake robbery. Nut up, buddy! Get It Together. Seriously, I hope this guy looks and feels deeply ashamed.

Absolutely cracking under the "pressure" because it "wants to go home." It's 48 HOURS! For $ 100,000! And is 18 hours left! What is wrong with this guy? Now straight-up tell them it's just the case. WTF?

This is shameful. The researchers found for 17 hours to go. Because Paul gave stupid so he could return to his mother's house
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